- fix       - ignore multiple onSettingsChanged() callbacks

- fix       - correct Import.

- add       - do not play 2D videos if 3D equivalent is not enabled and movie is 3D
- fix       - found cause of bluenotes problem
- update    - updated home_automation.py to match the development branch
- Official pull

- change    - move position of 3D Trailer insert - follows more closely to an actual theatre
- fix       - allow testing for trivia rating to be set to N/A
- add       - add other playlist types, now .pls, .asf, .ram and .m3u 
- fix       - fix skin property window
- add       - add 'German:' testing for Ratings - thanks Larnixva

- fix       - add missing module import
- add       - SABnzbd control to home automation module
- change    - convert all file access to use the xbmcvfs module.  Thanks h0tw1r3
- fix       - fixed skipping trailers that use plug-ins to play
- fix       - properly end script - clear all variables
- change    - remove old trailer downloader module
- change    - remove jsonrpc folder/file listing in favour of xbmcvfs.listdir()
- change    - change all logging to use the utils.log() function
- change    - change method of waiting for movie to play(override play button setting)
- change    - general code clean up
- add       - handle .pls playlist files for music and video
- change    - new method of reloading settings after settings have been changed 
- add       - Brazilian Movie Rating support
- change    - Apple Trailers now pull trailers from Current
- add       - Gotham - Add back Refresh control
- add       - Gotham - Add back screensaver control
- change    - Gotham - Change pause/resume method sensing
- add       - 3D Intro/Outro/Trailers
- change    - removed ancient httpapi code that still lingered

- fix       - version bump to fix Skin folder name on XBMC Addon Git

- fix       - Movie playing behind trivia
- fix       - Stop trivia music from playing if it is not selected in settings
- fix       - add back missing audio formats
- add       - Allow each type of slide to have a specified timer.
- fix       - Corrected case for trivia skin
- add       - Allow slides.xml to be title case(ie Slides.xml)
- change    - cosmetics

- fix       - setting error for a single music file during trivia
- change    - code clean up
- add       - FSK Ratings added, along with converting to near MPAA rating

- fix       - Coming Attraction Intro Videos
- fix       - removed code that could cause the music library to flash after trivia
- add       - give user the ability to diable YouTube(or any plug-in required) Trailers
- fix       - stop downloader from trying to download local trailers

- fix       - make sure home_automation.py is moved in service.py if it does not exist
- fix       - have script wait until full screen video is playing before detecting a stop, should fix when XBMC is slow to start

- fix       - more HTTP-API calls removed(none should be left in functioning code)
- fix       - Local Folder trailer scraper
- fix       - XBMC Library trailer scraper
                - Matches Genre to the first genre type in movie(if enabled)
                - accurately matches Rating(MPAA and BBFC only)(if enabled)
                - accurately matches unwatched Movies(if enabled)
- fix       - trailer downloader
- improved  - reduce the chance of seeing the Movie Library listing(still flashes but much better)
- change    - code re-arrange and partial re-write(improvements in speed and function)
- add       - New starting method available - RunScript(script.cinema.experience,movieid=xxxx) xxxx = database Movie ID($INFO[ListItem.DBID])
            - this allows the script to be started inside of a skin as such:(taken from Transperency!)
                <control type="button" id="1112">
                    <visible>Container.Content(Movies) + Skin.HasSetting(CinemaScript_MovieInfo)</visible>
            - starting in this method stops the movie library from jumping to the next item(making a better flow)
- add       - new service script
            - allows for pause and resume to function off of xbmc.Player instance(keeps Home Automation scripting fast) - there are still times pause and resume fail to trigger though
            - allows the script to 'override' the default play action when selecting a video in the Movie Library.
                - What happens is the the script will see that XBMC has added something to the video playlist then stops the player(about 250ms delay)
                  You may see the Full Screen video show up for a split second(or longer) but the video should not play, then the script will take over.
                - Need to adjust the new setting in Miscellaneous( 'Override Play button' )
                - May not work for every one
                - also requires a restart of XBMC
- change    - the home_automation.py scripting has changed(sorry folks, it was needed.)  Will post link to new Event Ghost version
- change    - reduced the amount of shuffling videos(used to shuffle 5 times, now only once) - should help randomizing the videos when only a few are available

- first Frodo Version.

- fix - trigger is 'Movie' not 'Movies' - fixes turning autorefresh back on for movie if it is the last video in playlist

- fix trigger for MPAA rating video if enable_ratings is false

- add handling of slides being on VFS drive
- modify testing for stopping of Video

- fixed testing for stopping of video

- remove dharma code

- cleaned up volume checks
- fix local folder scraper for trailers.  Corrected multiple genre tags

- Moved Property "CinemaExperienceRunning" to the start of the script.  This allows skin developers to use as a conditional for starting TV Tunes

1.0.48 - 1.0.50
- Many updates for use with Eden
- Added skin Property "CinemaExperienceRunning" to window 10025(MyVideoNav.xml)
      This allows the skinner to Disable the Busy/Buffering dialog or also to Disable the TV Tunes script(I haven't found a way to get the scripts to play nicely)
      Usage: !SubString(Window(10025).Property(CinemaExperienceRunning),True)   

- more Ede-pre upgrades
- separated Dharma code and Eden code
- Moved Countdown Video to proper placement
- a lot of internal reworking

- Fixed - Added missing movie details
- Enhancement - Improved Debug logging
- Enhancement - Added Pre-Eden code and Dharma code files to support Dharma and forward moving Git
- Enhancement - Added 'Enable Pre-Eden' Setting in Misc Settings for those that like being on the Bleeding Edge. - Defaulted off
- Fixed - Make various changes to script to be valid for Dharma and Pre-Eden
- Fixed - Corrected mode coding for using Movie Quiz script in place of Trivia
- Fixed - Added back Slide MPAA Rating
- Enhancement - Added and MPAA Equivilent Rating for various purposes(Slides, Trailers)
    - BBFC Rating = MPAA Rating
    - 12, 12A = PG-13
    - 15 = R
    - U = G
    - 18, R18, MA = NC-17
    Used the following page http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motion_picture_rating_system
- Fixed - Full Movie details now show when info overlay is shown during movie playback
- Fixed - Script had a habit of crashing XBMC if the last video is skipped
- Fixed - Trailers should not be causing errors now
- Fixed - Script now properly ends(HA script was causing improper ending)

- Fixed - Single music file for trivia now works
- Fixed - Non Download trailers

- Enhancement - Added Paused & Resumed Triggers for Home Automation
- Fixed - Script now handles being stopped(cleanly shuts script down)
- Fixed - Properly use thumbnail images when HD-Trailers.net Downloader is used

- Fixed - the DefaultVideo.png thumbnail was showing up instead of the Movie Trailer thumbnail
- Fixed - added error catching if user does not have the proper version of Movie Quiz installed and has the Trivia Mode set to Movie Quiz
- Enhancement - Trailer Downloader now downloads Movie Trailer Posters
- Fixed - Home Automation module was left out of last version.

- Fixed - Script crashing when Trivia music is set to None

- Fixed - Corrected Trivia Music
- Fixed - Cleaned up Settings
- Updated - New Spanish Translation.  Thanks KiSUAN
- Added Home Automation Integration file - PM Giftie for details.

- Fixed - Corrected Downloader
- Fixed - Script error on exit
- Fixed - Auto-refresh Enabling/Disabling Trigger
- Fixed - Script stopping if User stops or skips through Trivia Intro
- Change - Download Trailers will fall back on to searching for unwatched Downloaded trailers
- Enhancement - Added the ability to disable the 'annoying' notification pop up when running from the Home Window
- Change - Re-arranged Settings to function better
- Enhancement - Added the ability to select the Movie Quiz as an alternative to Trivia Slides(the Movie Quiz Script is not yet ready for this integration)
- Change - Trivia Selection now Available: None, Slide Show, or Movie Quiz(see above)
- Fixed - More proper error handling
- Enhancement - Added Home Automation Settings to Settings(Note. Not Yet Implemented in Script)
- Fixed - More proper logging of errors and script details.

- Enhancement - Added First Step For Home Automation Scripting
- Enhancement - Changed how auto refresh is triggered.

- Enhancement - Added XBMC Movie Library Trailer Scraper
                    - Searches XBMC's Database for trailer paths and urls(not fully tested)
- Added - Spanish Description Added.  Thanks KiSUAN
- Enhancement - Added NFO scraping for Local Trailers
                    - Compatible NFO files from HD-Trailers.net Downloader, Apple Movie Trailers Lite and Cinema Experience
- Enhancement - Local Trailers now can be matched to Movie's Genre or MPAA rating
                    - If no NFO file is found, the trailer is skipped(no matching Genres or MPAA's)
- Enhancement - Added Trailer Downloader
                    - Starts to Download Trailers as soon as script starts, Falls back onto streaming if trailers are not downloaded
                    - Saving folder can be different from the local trailer folder
                    - Saves an NFO file for future use
- Fixed - Added back Trivia Intro

- Rearranged script to start fixing Trivia Intro, Trailer Downloader

- Fixed - Corrected placement of Intermission Videos when set to Single File/Playlist
- Fixed - Corrected use of boolean tests

- Enhancement - Added sqlquery command
                    - use: 
                        RunScript(script.cinema.experience,command<li>sqlquery<li> .. your query ..)
                        test your queries out before trying them with the script(SQLiteSpy is a great tool for XBMC's default database)
                            HTTP API -> RunScript(script.cinema.experience,command<li>sqlquery<li>SELECT movieview.c00 FROM movieview WHERE c14 LIKE '%%action%%' ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 10)
                            Skin -> RunScript(script.cinema.experience,command;sqlquery;SELECT movieview.c00 FROM movieview WHERE c14 LIKE '%%action%%' ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 10)
                        A couple of SQL Queries:
                            5 Random Movies from the Genre Comedy
                                SELECT movieview.c00 FROM movieview WHERE c14 LIKE '%%comedy%%' ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 5
                            5 Random Movies Based on actor Adam Sandler:
                                SELECT movieview.c00 FROM movieview JOIN actorlinkmovie ON actorlinkmovie.idMovie=movieview.idMovie JOIN actors ON actorlinkmovie.idActor=actors.idActor WHERE strActor="Adam Sandler" ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 5
              - Some thanks goes to jitterjames and others on the VoxCommando forum
- Fixed - Changed Format for queuing movies with RunScript:
            Old Format: RunScript(script.cinema.experience,command;movie_title=Avatar) or RunScript(script.cinema.experience,command<li>movie_title=Avatar) - <li> for HTTP API calls
            New Format: RunScript(script.cinema.experience,command;movie_title;Avatar) or RunScript(script.cinema.experience,command<li>movie_title<li>Avatar) - <li> for HTTP API calls

            Old Format still works

- Fixed - Changed HTTP API Broadcast
- Fixed - Corrected database search for multiple movie command
- Fixed - Updated Spanish Language

- Enhancement - Added system arguments to script
                    - Allows a single call to queue a specific movie
                        ie: XBMC.RunScript(script.cinema.experience,command;movie_title=Avatar) will Queue Avatar and start the script
                            to use as a web commnand replace the ';' with <li>
                    - Added a single call to queue multiple movies(no limit except XBMC's playlist limit)
                        ie: XBMC.RunScript(script.cinema.experience,command;movie_title=Avatar;Hitch;Hellboy) will Queue Avatar, Hitch and Hellboy then start the script
                            to use as a web commnand replace the ';' with <li>

- Fix - script was changing Feature Presentations to 2 when the old way was used.

- Enhancement - Added system arguments to script
                    - Allows a single call to queue a specific movie
                        ie: XBMC.RunScript(script.cinema.experience,command&movie_title=Avatar) will Queue Avatar and start the script
                            to use as a web commnand replace the '&' with <li>
                    - Added a single call to queue multiple movies(no limit except XBMC's playlist limit)
                        ie: XBMC.RunScript(script.cinema.experience,command&movie_title=Avatar;Hitch;Hellboy) will Queue Avatar, Hitch and Hellboy then start the script
                            to use as a web commnand replace the '&' with <li>
- Fixed - Added code to try to capture if a user has stopped the movie(or videos) and then restart the script(keeps new playlist intact)

- Fixed - Corrected proper folder for DTSHD-MA videos - Thanks D-tyme

- Fixed - Correctly retrieving Audio Format Videos

- Move VoxCommando broadcast to a different location
- Fixed special character error

- Added code for the old way to still work.

- Added Checking for BBFC ratings with UK: in front

- Fixed Notification error
- Enhancement - Added detection for Dolby TrueHD and DTSHD-MA Audio Codecs(plays proper Audio Format Video)

- Enhancement - Added Broadcast to VoxCommando - turn on in settings -> Miscellaneous

- Enhancement - Added code for BBFC
- Removed - Notification of script ending
- Enhancement - Improved randomization of videos and slides

- Fixed - Added strings for hard coded words(allows for translation)
- Fixed - Close Notification after movie(s) are queued
- Cosmetics - Cleaned up logging.

- Enhancement: Added Intermission Rating Video
- Removed version testing(doesn't work with lastest and source code)

- Enhancement: Turn Auto refresh back on for Movie !! Audio Format Videos need to be used for this to work !!

- Enhancement: Added Ability for skin activate from a sub menu(Genre, Titles, Years, etc.)

- Enhancement: Added Ability to disable Auto Refresh - should re-enable before movie playback
- Enhancement: Re-arranged addon.py allowing script to run from Home Window.

- changed Playlist playing in Trivia(move fade to before playlist)
- changed logging in fade volume

- add Testing to determine what video is playing

- Enhancement: More proper logging
- Enhancement: Multiple Features
- Enhancement: Added ability to disable videos
- Enhancement: Added 720p version of the trivia skin

- Bug Fix: #81 Overlays displayed over trivia slides

- Bug Fix: #67 Music playback over trivia breaks script
- Enhancement: #69 Trivia Music playback from folder
- Enhancement: #72 Reset watched trivia automatically if all watched
- Enhancement: Log Entries now prefixed with [script.cinemaexperience]

- Added an adjustable Fade time for the background music during trivia
- Fixed Skip Watched Trailers(now it skips the watched ones :) 
- Fixed Current Volume error(now matching upto 3 digits(ie 100))
- Fixed ClearWatchedTrivia and ClearWatchedTrailers

- Fixed a lot of errors in new code.
- Fix syntax in addon.xml

- Added the ability to disable volume changes
   - Lowering of Volume during slides
   - Fade volume during slides
- Added myself back as an author(removed during troubleshooting)

- Added the ability to add Countdown Video before movie starts
- Added Audio Fade(when Trivia is complete) - Thanks for the code Nuka
- Added Audio Rise(when first video after Trivia is complete) - Thanks for the code Nuka
- Changed Trivia Volume Setting to percentage of maximum volume(instead of percentage of current volume)
- Added Nuka's added code for slide.xml.
- Oh....  And added myself as one of the authors... :)
- Trivia Music Playlist - still broken.. :(
- Added German Language files - Thanks Mad-Max
- Added the ability to have a DTS-MA Audio format Folder
- Added the ability to disable Trivia Music
- Fixed Trivia Outro

- Disabled MPAA ratings for slides(for the time being, until a more reliable handling is added)
- Added this change log.
- Added fanart.jpg

- changed Apple Movie Trailer scraper to find Newest trailers
- renamed skin file to follow script name(replace HTE with CE)

- changed name over to Cinema Experience
- fixed trivia slides upper/lower case - Thanks Nuka
- added trivia duration of 2 minutes and removed 60 minutes(now the steps are 2 mins, 5 mins, 10 mins, 20 mins, 30 mins and 45 mins). 

- Includes work done by Ilia to get the script working with Dharma
- fixed settings.xml to stop crashing XBMC
- various programming changes to work with new XBMC features(pysqlite module)