1.0.10 (21.10.2018)
- added add-on to new games category in add-on manager

1.0.9 (28.01.2014)
- fixed translations in gotham

1.0.8 (unreleased)
- increate timeout to 30
- fixed potential exception while retrieving next shot
- fixed explicit and blocked shot error
- added experimental preloading of next/prev shots

1.0.7 (28.08.2013)
- update translations

- updated translations
- cosmetic changes

- Fix image retrieving (again...)
- Updated translations

- Fix image retrieving

- Fix white shot (website changes)
- Catch HTTPError and URLError in background threads

- Multithreading background scraping of shots
- Now showing overall-score in addition to featurefilms-score
- now going back and forward through already scraped shots with 'back' and 'random'
- Code cleanups and improvements
- Removed the need for mechanize-lib

- Eden release

- Bugfix (error if player has exactly 1 point)

0.9.0 Initial zip-release version
- Login with your whatthemovie.com account
- Solve, favourite, bookmark and rate shots
- Show the next, next unsolved and next random Shot
- Instantly go back to the last seen shot
- Zoom the snapshot
- Rate with number keys score:1-10 = key:1-0
- Set random and navigation options
- Jump automatically to the next or random next shot if your guess was right
- Chose five Languages to see if you can enter the movietitle in this languages
- Set hotkeys for the functions: guess, random, back, next, previous, jump, bookmark, favourite and solve
- Configure the visibility of shot properties: posted by, solved, id, date, flags, tool- and navigation buttons